We came into this
world with nothing and we will most assuredly take nothing out of
it... You will never see a U-haul trailer following a
hearse... Others will plunder your earthly treasures, give
them away, or destroy them...
The only thing
you will ever take with you from this world to the next, is
souls.... yes, souls.
" He that winneth souls is
wise." Let us therefore enter into His fields of labor which are white already to
harvest and come again rejoicing in that day bringing our sheaves with
us... Cursed
be they who come from fields of Harvest with empty hands....
At this present time we now have over
600 missionaries on location in 170 nations of the world. To
God Be The Glory!
Note: Send all donations for Projects listed below to:
Ministries Inc.,
P O Box 2259,
Malta, New York 12020
Make notation
on check naming the project you wish to endorse. Thank you!
Lee Stoneking |
To the left:
Cathedral of the
St. Petersburg Russia |
Just having returned
from Russia after preaching their CIS & Baltic States Area-wide
Conference, I report to you that the need is very great!!!
I gave the missionaries permission to
translate my new book entitled; The Five-fold Ministry and
Spiritual Insights into the Russian language prior to my arriving
there. It was translated and presented at this recent
Conference June 16 - 18, 2004. They did a commendable job in
all respects. With excitement, understanding, and
thankfulness the attending brethren responded to the book's truth
and power. May they never be the same - In Jesus' Name I
$2,000.00 in USD was given from my
Project account to help with this most needy project. They
were overjoyed and most grateful in their expressions of thanks!
Thank you for being part of my Foreign Missions Projects in your
I have such a burden to give further
to help the Russian ministry and their great burden.
You make this all possible. God Bless You and To God Be The
To date (Mar 2008)
has been given for
Russian ministries.
Lee Stoneking
The Mark Starin's - Their Land of Burden
Wonderful things are happening here with the Power of
God manifested in all His Might and Demonstration!
To God Be The Glory! |
There are Miracles of
healing upon the Lebanese people - people
have been raised from the dead... the news
is spreading! Great harvest will result in
the ministry of these Apostolic Believers whom I
have known since the early 1970's. I am
impressed with, proud of, and believe in them
totally! Lee Stoneking |
thanks to all of you for helping me to help them onward
in their burden and love for souls in the Middle East -
they are consumed with it - Lebanon in particular and
then BEYOND! God Bless and supply your every need
I pray!
Lee Stoneking
To Be Continued -
great news - Byblos...

In December 2007, I was
privileged to preach in Islamabad Pakistan and God moved
$600.00 was given and has
been used in the Bible School in Lahore. Excitement
among the staff and students is wonderful!
A car is needed by our
Brother Jamali for the great need in the work there. Any
contributions that can be made will be sent immediately to them
and their gratefulness will melt your heart...
Lee Stoneking |
'Caleb' Project
'To China With
Exciting Adventure In Missions

Caleb ministering to a Chinese woman in
This young man is
so marvelously qualified to do that which so many of us
cannot. We must then, send him to those
places where we cannot go. Caleb speaks Chinese
fluently and perfectly. He also interprets for me
and others in our various tours of duty among the Chinese
communities of the world.
People are being baptized in
Jesus' Mighty Saving Name and receiving the Baptism of the
Holy Ghost in the most strategic places. I am
impressed personally so much that this effort is now being
made to help facilitate and underwrite his ministry and
trips abroad.
There are a number of places
that have received the impact of his presence and
knowledge of Scripture which are not listed here...
He is not only preaching in these difficult areas but also
training and equipping others to transmit this great
Scriptural Truth of Acts 2:38 and the Gospel that was once
delivered to the saints.

help alone can help fulfill the Great Commission to
change the immediate scene above to one of worship
of the One True God, even Jesus Christ of
Nazareth... |
All funds will go to him for
sustaining his ministry and travels.
I am thrilled to report that
another $2,889.00
has been sent as of July 2011
Total to Date: $31,230.00.
This is the Lord's doing
and it is marvelous in our eyes!
My 'heartfelt' thanks to all
who have given and will give. God alone can reward
you as you labor in His fields of whiteness in these
closing hours of time.
To date, 57 have been baptized
in Jesus' Saving Name and 55 have received the Baptism of
the Holy Ghost! Acts 2:38.
In Fiji 16 received the Holy
Ghost and 1 baptized in Jesus' Name among the Chinese
population there.
These are just recent numbers
- there are many more and it will continue to grow...
To stay abreast of what is going on in China and to
order Apostolic resources in the Chinese language,
visit this website from Singapore. It is
highly recommended.
This site
represents the Chinese outreach from Singapore into
all of Asia with
Missionaries, Steve and Barb Willoughby
Lee Stoneking
$300.00 US dollars will scholarship
a Bible School Student with full room and board for one year in a two
year program in Fiji.
$500.00 US dollars will scholarship
a Bible School Student with full room and board for one year in the
I was informed while in Asia that $25.00 US
dollars will support a Bible School Student in Burma and/or the
Philippines for one month completely. When I heard this, I was
convicted because most of us waste that amount almost weekly on non
essentials including too much food.

Burmese Pastors Attending Bible
School |
Praise the
The money you
sent was received today by Brother Rel Buai. He
gave me photos of the Bible school students.
The students are currently pastors and haven't
previously attended Bible school.
Buai: "This money will allow 32 Pastors across
Myanmar (Burma) to journey and attend a two
month intensive Bible School. Each student will
attend this intensive Bible school for two
months at a time for three consecutive years.
Some of the pastors will travel up to 7 days to
join this Bible School!
Thank you for
helping us empower our pastors through Bible
School through your investment!"
God Bless! LD_________________________________
As of
this date: July 29, 2011 -
an additional $5,072.00
has been sent to Burma for Bible School Students. God Bless
You wonderful people who give to the great cause of missions!
Total monies sent to date: $8,415.50
wonderful giving has made this possible - God
Bless You Richly for your equipping
investment in the souls of men and nations
preparing for His Soon Coming! AMEN!
Lee Stoneking
As of Mar 24,
2007 - another $500.00 has been electronically
Monies are also being
sent to help with evangelistic work in Fiji through the ministry
there. Much of this is my personal contribution to these lovely

Ali is a product of the Fiji Bible School
He is my personal
project and now being powerfully used by the Lord throughout
Fiji and also in Australia. His mother has attended
the Bible School in Fiji. The Lord Be Praised!
Fiji Student Letters
To read, click
on Letters above |
Total monies sent to date: $8,310.00
As of this date;
July 29, 2011 another $5,071.00
has been sent to the Philippines.
These monies help Filipino students that otherwise would not be able
to attend Bible School within the Philippines and Filipino
students in Bible School abroad.
Total monies
sent to date: $13,363.50
- July 29, 2011
A report was
received in my office recently announcing that in the Philippines as
of this date, February 2003, over
people have been filled with
Baptism of the Holy Ghost and most of them now baptized in
the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!
Scriptural prophecy is coming to
pass for the last days. He promised in the last days that He
would pour out His Spirit upon all flesh... Revival is not
coming -- IT IS HERE! NOW!
All those who stand in its way will be trampled in the gates of
observation but will not partake of it as in the days of old...
Lee Stoneking
Chinese Gospel
Translation Fund
For China and
Surely Jesus will come
in our day... In View of this knowledge and understanding
Note The Following:
is such an urgent need to have our Gospel materials translated into
the Chinese language. We have little or nothing in print for
the Chinese people, but
when they do receive something of our marvelous Apostolic Truth, they
devour it. To observe what I
have seen is to weep with burden
and compassion...
this reason, I feel to reach out to anyone and everyone who will help raise
funds to cover the cost of a
translator and continue this project of translation. The Chinese language
is very difficult to translate and necessitates a skilled translator
in order that nothing is lost from the original text and meaning.
I personally met the translator and am impressed!
We have
so few missionaries for over four billion people in Asia. Jesus was right when He said, "...the fields
are white already to harvest and the laborers are few..."
heaven is gained and we get there, we will not be so concerned with
what titles or positions we held here, or what assets in money,
stocks, or properties were held... but we will be looking for those
we witnessed to and won to the Lord in our earthly pilgrimage.
Believe me, it will be that way. So many of us are going to
wish we had done it so much better than what we did... and our
ears will be straining to hear just two words: "WELL
of Giving
To date (July 2007)
been sent to this wonderful project. We will continue with this project because the need is overwhelming
and it is being realized through your generous contributions and
sacrificial giving.
I just got word that
these materials once translated are being used in Indonesia on our
radio broadcast. The Lord has made a way for us to have a
broadcast, the first in over 33 years. The Lord Be Praised!
Great Harvest is
upon us and the fields are white...
Lee Stoneking
is moving toward God...
so many are coming and more are on the way! Jesus be
Praised for His Mercy and Love for the souls of men! You
and I are a part of this mighty move and outpouring of God's
Spirit in these last days...
Overwhelming to know that one out of every five people in
the world is Chinese and
one out of every three people in the world who have never heard
the Gospel of Jesus Christ is Chinese...
Additional Support
for workers on behalf of China
To date monies received and
transferred: $15,502.00 (April 2, 2009) |
Lee Stoneking
UPDATE: Together
since we have begun in our burden for the world and our giving
to reach that world,
has been raised and sent to various
projects on foreign soil. (April 2009)
*Every cent that
is given goes directly to the cause with no percentages coming to
Apostolic Ministries or Lee Stoneking Ministries. The bank transfer fees and other paper
work necessities are happily donated by Apostolic Ministries. Please pray the
Blessings of the Lord upon all these efforts and also upon Apostolic
How can I ever thank all the Pastors
and friends enough who have given so generously to these projects?
I cannot, but
I know He will...
Lee Stoneking
One pebble of sand looking around felt helpless
and useless until he realized and began to shout to all the others, "Alone
I am nothing, but together we can make a beach." |