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I have personally helped one student with full scholarship for now the second year. (See Nigel Ali below)  He will graduate this year.  When initially I told him, after watching him being used so mightily used by God in the services, that he would receive a personal scholarship from me, he got down on his face to the platform floor and began weeping with great intensity and did so for an hour or more.   It is heart-wrenching to see the need and then watch their appreciation for your faith and investment in them.

Lee Stoneking






Nigel Ali: 

Nigel has received full scholarship for his complete Bible College education.  I personally have been honored to help him.  He is wonderfully used by God in altar work and worships with total devotion to the Spirit of the Lord!!!  His future is Great in the Lord!!!


Please pray for him!  And as you can see from below, God has answered prayer!



Graduation Day - February 17, 2001 has arrived for Nigel after much hard work and dedication to the Lord and the study of His Word.

Since graduating, his duties include:  Teaching Sunday School, Teaches in the Bible College, Teaches mid week service, Home Bible Studies, Preaches in the local congregation, Preaches in the Chinese Church, Preaches for the Youth, and works for Headquarters Office.  What a 'chosen worker' he has become!

In Nigel's own words to me in a recent letter:  "I am enjoying every second of the work that I have been given. I love doing the Lord's work.  Somehow Jesus helps me to stand.  Yes!  I want to be a preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!"

Congratulations, Nigel!  and

To God Be The Glory!!!


Nigel Ali

In Graduation Attire





Someone else heard my discussion of such an investment in Fiji Scholarships and donated $300.00 last year.  That helped a fine Fijian couple to complete their education in  November 1999.  (See Pena and Keresi below)  It was one of the most rewarding experiences!  And again made possible by your love for souls, burden, and gracious generosity.

Lee Stoneking




Pena & Keresi:

These lovely people were able to graduate from Bible College their last year because of  your burden and generous, unselfish giving.  

It was such a joy and honor to personally hand him his diploma during the graduation ceremonies.  I have great faith that they will be wonderfully used to reach Fiji with Revival and Apostolic power! 


Please pray for them!



