Testimony: Mark
Starin is my convert when I pastored years ago in Schenectay,
New York. In those days, I taught the teenage Sunday
School Class. On one particular Sunday morning when I
walked into my classroom, teaching materials in hand, I noticed
a young Lebanese boy whom I had never seen before sitting in the
middle of the room among the others.
The Holy Ghost spoke to me
and said: "If you will go lay hands on him, I will
give him the Holy Ghost." I began the class and
asked young people to stand and testify for the Lord. They
did so... Mark raised his hand among the others and began
to tell us of a vision he had had two nights before. He
became emotional and I simply began singing a chorus and the
other young people immediately began to join in.
I walked down that little
isle between the folding chairs to a young man I had never seen
before. I moved slowly so as not to frighten him. I
simply knelt down in front of him keeping eye contact with him
all the while and laid one hand on his chest and the other on
his head. He fell forward in my hands weeping and began
speaking with tongues. He had never seen anyone receive
the Holy Ghost nor had he ever been in a church service like
ours. It was Miraculous!
Mark's left leg was swollen
double in size and heavily bandaged resembling a cast. He
could not bend the leg nor could he stand. Blood clots and
pain filled the leg. Two nights before as he raced
from work to get his drug fix the accident occurred. His
left leg was crushed between the car and the motorcycle.
The vision he had resulted from this accident and he turned in
his heart toward God - and then Jesus led him to us... We
are ever and always grateful!
Mark was either drunken or
drugged up every day of his life, but once he spoke with tongues
and tears streamed down his face, he stood to his feet and threw
down the crutches. The leg was instantly healed and he
could bend the leg. He walked out that Sunday morning.
He was delivered of drugs, alcohol, and hatred for others...
That Sunday night he was back in service and danced down the
isle rejoicing... Today
he transmits that great faith to his own people in Lebanon.
His lovely wife, I have
known since she was a child. She is a great asset to his
ministry and her parents, Reverend and Mrs Orville Wells,
are some of the very finest of Christians pastoring in this
Needless to say, I am
tremendously Proud of these young people and their family...
Please pray for them.
They have been home on a short special leave from Lebanon but
will return on Thursday August 23/01. It has been my good
pleasure to entertain them and have them in my home. I am
Any additional monies that may be sent to
Lebanon will be applied toward a property of their own.
They desperately need their own home and it will solidify their
intentions among the people of Lebanon, helping to make them a
part of that nation and the people. Please let me thank
you on their behalf. God Richly Bless You!
Any offerings sent should be marked:
Lebanon - Starins
Lee Stoneking