In the hyperlinks to the left
and in reports written below, you may read of revival and the miraculous
healing power of Jesus in our day.
To God Be All The Glory!

Revival Crusade
Pastor: James McPhaill
Date: April 15 - 17
Visalia, Callifornia
Miraculous Healing
of a sister that had been on oxygen for two years
resulting from a lung disease and unable to take a
deep breath.
In the altar service, suddenly she felt healed and
pulled out the oxygen tubes and came up to me and
told me her story. I then said, "You need to
tell the whole audience this" and I handed her the
mike. She went to the pulpit and simply
preached taking deep breathes which she had not been
able to do for two years! It was electrifying
and the Power of God flowed over one and all . . .
Oh What A Savior is our Jesus!!!
Each service was most memorable! Brother
McPhaill said to me. "Each year I think this cannot
get any better, but each year it does!" I am
Stoneking . . .

_________________________________________________ |

November 12, 2003 as I was leaving Sydney, Australia
for Honolulu, Hawaii for another conference, I fell
instantaneously dead of a massive heart attack.
A vein on the right side of my heart had narrowed
and enough blockage had collected to facilitate my
death. I was clinically dead for 45 minutes or
more with absolutely no hope for me. I was
slated DOA (dead on arrival) and placed on stretcher
in ambulance and headed for local hospital. I had been
given resuscitation, CPR, and ten electric shock
treatments to my heart... nothing worked. My
heart would beat three or for times and stop as
stated by the ambulance driver who cared for me on
the airport floor and ambulance drive to hospital.
However, in the
ambulance without any efforts from those on board,
my heart began to beat and my breathing returned.
It was a total miracle from God!!! Nothing
else had worked...
Upon my return
to the USA in December of 2003, Dr. Weiner put two
stents in the vein that had narrowed on the right
side of my heart and I was released from hospital to
return to my home.
In March of
I went back to Jackson, Tennessee for a checkup and two more
stents were put in veins on the left side of my
heart that Dr. Weiner had noted were narrowing in
He then placed a
third stent between the two he had put
in in December - stating to me that he had fixed
everything that could be fixed and that I was good
for 40 years.
I remember stating to him that I
was not sure I wanted to live another 40 years in
this world. We both chuckled...
He is simply
an outstanding doctor |
It was my
impression that the stents lasted for the rest of my
life... However, I found out in the last few weeks
that stents are only good for about five years.
I had lived for ten years on five stents with no
medication of any kind. The doctors recently
told me, "Reverend the greatest miracle of all is
that you lived ten years on five stents without any
medication of any kind.
That just doesn't
SURGERY: March 5, 2013 I returned to
Tennessee to preach an annual RIOT Crusade for
Brother Jeff Young in Bethel Springs, Tenn. I
went a couple of days early to get a complete
checkup at hospital in Jackson which I had not had
in a couple of years. The crusade was
preached - it was a tremendous success - God
mightily moved and blessed!
On Tuesday
March 12th I went to the hospital for results of
my tests at which time I was shown, that the five
stents had scar tissue around them and they were
blocked which in turn blocked the veins in which
they had been placed. One vein was 100%
blocked, another was 99% blocked, the vein on
backside of the heart was blocked. I had only
one vein open on the front of the heart and no
blood at all was getting to the bottom part of my
heart. The prognosis was that I would probably
live maybe six months and then just drop dead.
Stents would
not work, the only option was surgery which would be
open heart surgery. Upon seeing the photos and
X-rays of my heart area, I said, "when can you do
it?" they said we can do it tomorrow."
(March 13th) I said, "I'll do it!"
On March 13th
I went
in for open heart surgery which took five and
one half hours. Veins were taken from my legs and an
artery from my shoulder - the breastplate was sawn
in half, the ribs were pulled apart and heart
exposed for surgery...
had a five by pass surgery (which is the most
one can have) Doctor Sievers
(Photo on R) who
performed the surgery is one
of the very best!
Dr. Young stated to me, "He did a
job on your heart, Brother Stoneking!"
I am eternally Grateful! |
Above note
the bypasses that were made to my heart
which are the 'lined' veins. Amazing
and miraculous at the same time... |
informed me that after totally recovered from this
major surgery which takes about three months, that I
would have the strength and energy that I had 35 or
40 years ago and that my life would be extended
another 15 to 20 years at which time I will be in my
early 90's... Tremendous! However at that
point, I am ready for heaven's awaiting... Surely
Jesus will come in the clouds of glory before then -
everything points to it - O Happy Day!!!
I am totally
convinced that Jesus has gone out of His way to keep
me alive: ten years ago in 2003 I was ready to
go and in March of this year 2013, I was ready to
go... Something is going on with me where
Jesus is concerned... I have had some glorious
insights and want to do more for our people and the
Kingdom of God than ever before. I am
My eternal
Thanks for all your support: letters, cards, phone
calls from around the world and the financial support
you have sent to undergird my life, ministry, and
well being. I can never thank you with words,
but will endeavor to do so with deeds and
ministering to you all as I have always done for the
past 49 years. You make this all worth-while
for me. I literally live for you - I always
have - and will continue to do so... I
belong to the people-THANK YOU
Notes and letters
of gratitude are being sent by me personally to all
pastors, churches, and individuals who have
supported me financially during this time in my life
Again; THANK YOU - it means more than words could
ever say...

Lee Stoneking..
_________________________________________________ |
Home Missionary Conference
Jerry Dillion
August 18 -
Jackson, Mississippi
Seventy home missionary
attended this great conference hosted with all expenses paid
by Pastor Jerry Dillion and his wonderful church
congregation. This conference has been in place for a
number of years with miraculous results and incredible help
to those attending! This year was no exception!
Thursday night I spoke on
Peace Beyond Fear, an understanding that God has
brought to me - there is a reason we do not see more
miracles and healings among us... Upon transmitting
the message, I simply spoke the Word of Faith and rebuked
all fear from all present. God mightily came among
us with healings and deliverances numerous...
Pastor Dillion at end of
altar service and ministering asked for those who had
received a miracle of healing to stand - 111
people stood declaring and testifying of a miracle of
healing in their bodies. Book of Acts flashed across
the entire audience - we will not be the same having
experienced this miraculous encounter with the Lord among
During ministering
among the people at the altar service, I came upon a young
couple. He was blind in his right eye. God opened his
eye and he saw clearly - faith spread powerfully among
the people.
That led a missionary
couple from Oregon to approach me and ask if they could
stand in for their son who had been paralyzed since 2006 due
to an industrial accident and injury. Upon praying for
their son Josh through them - something miraculous
Josh was a runner and
had run two miles in 13 minutes - very athletic! But
since the industrial accident, he had had no feeling in one
of his legs. His doctor told him he would never walk
again - it would be impossible and basically there was no
hope for him at all. Josh mentioned trust in God - the
doctor was totally negative... To see and read of
Josh's miraculous healing go to my
page where you will see glorious photos of his miracle first
Lee Stoneking
Indoor Camp Meeting
Date: August 7 - 9, 2013
Madisonville, Kentucky
Pastor: Ron Hendricks |
________________________ _________
A Marvelous Miracle
Upton was a guest in the audience on Wednesday the
opening night of conference. During the altar
service, Brother Knox brought him to me and asked
that I pray for healing.
Jacob was headed for open heart surgery on Monday
following conference. He gasped for his
breath, pain in left arm. There were two holes
in his heat and the aorta valve was tearing loose
from the heart... Jacob was unable to sleep at
night rising often due to breathing difficulties
gasping most of the time with the pain in his left
arm always there...
prayed along with others and felt such a tremendous
burden for him. I held onto him

Myself and Jacob |
until I felt the 'thing I
know' flow through me. He was wonderfully miraculously
healed... I will give you more details but for the moment,
read his testimony in his own word by clicking on the link
Jacob Upton Testimony
The Prophetic
Detroit, Michigan
Pastors Art & Beth
Wilson |
Revivalists and
winners of the highest
caliber - just the
of people to minister for,
with, and to
anointed congregation.
Lee Stoneking |
________________________ _________ |

Mark was born with
Cerebral Palsy and it caused his feet to be turned
inward and it made it difficult to walk.
During Prophetic Word Conference God
straightened Mark’s feet.
He is now able to walk straight!
Praise God!
I watched his feel
straighten - he began to walk and then he took off
running! Miraculous and Powerful! All of us
were ecstatic!!! LS
________________________ _________
Upper L
hand corner
At Prophetic
Word Conference
Rachel was prayed for and
the pressure
that she had in her head
for months was gone.
spoke to her and told her that there was a
tumor growing in her head 3 months ago!
She is now
healed of

bottom of collage: Regina had
a shoulder replacement surgery a few
weeks ago and was not able to lift her
arm and needed extensive amount of
physical therapy in hopes of using her
arm again.
She came to Prophetic Word
Conference just weeks after her surgery
with her arm in a sling.
(A child barely bumped it and she
was in excruciating pain)
During the conference as this
picture was being taken God completely
healed her shoulder! |
Upper R
hand corner
Pat was
scheduled for polyp surgery in her nose a
month ago.
She felt from
the Lord not to get the surgery and waited
for her healing.
At PWC, God removed the polyps in
her nose and no surgery was needed,
the Lord!
Speaker, Harold Hoffman
was his usual outstanding self - mightily anointed
with such revelatory insight lifting the human
spirit and soul to God and His Word - Amazing - one
of my favorite preachers...
Speaker, Robert Henson
preached such an amazing insightful message about
this Apostolic Truth and its endurance; the
viability to sustain itself no matter the
environment... a must to hear and digest! Thank
you Brother Henson!
Speaker, Lee Stoneking
I simply endeavored to follow the Spirit of God and
He was most definitely manifested! To Him be
all the glory! AMEN!
LS |
________________________ _________
A Word From Pastor Art
Wilson: |
We cannot put
into words the impact that Brother Stoneking has had on the
Metro Detroit area. He has faithfully ministered at the
Prophetic Word Conference every year, and every year we have
moved higher and higher into the glory of God! The miracles,
signs, and wonders have been nothing short of a book of acts
experience, and lives and ministries have been changed
Brother Stoneking has been a close member of our family
since I was a young man in the ministry, he is a developer,
and encourager of apostolic ministers. He imparts his
anointing and mentorship freely. He is one of the
great voices of the church in this last day! Without Brother
Lee Stoneking there would be no Prophetic Word Conference! |
Thank you Brother Stoneking for everything you do
for the body of Christ!
Wonderful regards, Pastor Art Wilson
________________________________________________ |

Night of Miracles
Saturday Night - Oct 15th
I was
honored to be chosen by the fellowship to preach this
Night of Miracles service. God mightily moved
in all His might and power. It was miraculous.
58 notable miracles took place among the people who
came to the platform and recorded in writing their miracle
of healing from the Lord! Hundreds could not get there
for the throng.
At the end
of the service, many left their hearing aids etc., on the
platform. One man walked out of the auditorium
spinning his crutches and laughing. He had been
healed!!! A large cancerous growth disappeared from
a preacher's neck while people watched... He
later, as I ministered through the crowd, grabbed me with
total joy as he recounted the event to me personally!
To Jesus be the Glory!
of young couples in the ministry and aspiring to the
ministry stood with their hands raised weeping with worship
and prayers to God. The understanding had reached
them - This can happen for me and my ministry.
God can and will use me in this Book of Acts demonstration!
minister stated that the greatest thing for him was
that in addition to the miracles of healing witnessed by all
there, that his children had heard him preach all of their
lives that Jesus healed - but now they had seen it for
themselves. It was not just some account from days
gone by, but that they had been eye witness to the Power of
God for themselves; thus this generation has seen
it - thus it is not lost to the next generation! This
generation will transmit it to the next!!!
This has been my continual burden through the years - that
this generation will touch and possess the miraculous!
Eternally thankful I am for this great witness of God in
these last days of this generation!!!
One outstanding leader
among us stated, "I have never seen anything like this!"
leader said, "This is one of the most powerful moves of
God at a General Conference in the history of the United
Pentecostal Church!" My prayer: that within
every city where a UPC General Conference is held; this
miraculous move may intensify from year to year-- the city
shaken and converted to Jesus! May the Lord grant it I
Lee Stoneking
Reverend David Bernard
General Superintendent
United Pentecostal Church
Report from Brother Bernard on the Saturday evening
• 7 water-baptized during the crusade service
• 88 filled with the Holy Ghost during the crusade service
• 11 filled with the Holy Ghost in the children's crusade
• 251 total filled with the Holy Ghost in 2 days
• 58 notable healings during the crusade service, documented
in writing (not counting hundreds of hands lifted to signify
Update: Nov 24, 2011 --
Within the last two weeks, I have been
alerted that over 200 known healings took
place in the Night of Miracles
General Conference service. To God Be The
Lee Stoneking
.....That led a missionary couple from Oregon to
approach me and ask if they could stand in for their son who
had been paralyzed since 2006 due to an industrial accident
and injury. Upon praying for their son Josh through
them - something miraculous happened!!!

Healing is on the way... |
Josh was a runner and
had run two miles in 13 minutes - very athletic! But
since the industrial accident, he had had no feeling in one
of his legs. His doctor told him he would never walk
again - it would be impossible and basically there was no
hope for him at all. Josh mentioned trust in God - the
doctor was totally negative...

Healing is on the way...
can see the heart of a Dad & his loving support for
his son
Healing is on the way...

Life Continues with Baby
Healing is on the way... |
As soon as I walked
away from Josh's parents in the conference, he felt warmth
in his leg. With his eyes closed he thought it was
friends around him with their hands on his leg, but when he
opened his eyes from praying, all hands were on his
shoulders - not his leg. It was God and he knew it!
Josh came out of the wheelchair and began to walk on his
own. He ran in the house and then went outside and ran
in the drive way. It was filmed by family and friends
there... Praise God!!!
The bigger and more
wonderful thing for Josh was and his own words: "I
could not stand and pray with my eyes closed, I had to
always look at the floor or I would simply fall. Your
feet help you to keep your balance. I could not close
my eyes and raise my hands praying, I would fall.
After I ran I lifted my hands, closed my eyes, and prayed
for two minutes straight I did not fall - I am healed!

Healing is on the way.... |
I was able to
contact Josh in Oregon and he related these facts to me.
Josh has the most marvelous Christian spirit - just totally
Christian! I am so very impressed with both Josh and
his parents!!!
Healing Has Come!!!
I stay in touch with Josh from time to time - he is walking,
playing tennis, and his attitude is simply electrifying -
lifts one's spirits and faith! He is most definitely a
hero among the children of faith along with his dear wife
and parents. I admire and esteem them highly!!!
Lee Stoneking
I have met
these very fine people: He resigned
pastoring when cancer came upon him.
Since being healed, he travels giving
testimony of his miracle to at least 10
people per day - has at times witnessed to
over 135 people in just the travel time
alone en route to speaking engagement!
Praise God for such boldness and
Lee Stoneking
Angels & Miracles Upon Us |

This vision was seen by Vani Marshall
in Malaysia during DCD from Singapore. God is
comforting His People with manifestations that cannot be
doubted. One sister came the next morning relating that
she could not sleep but was visited by an angel. Another
man told how an angle came to his room and a manifestation of
fire filled the air around him...
More and more the Church in the end will experience and manifest
all that was in the Book of Acts in 33AD and beyond. This
Power of God in His Church destroyed the Roman Empire, so noted
by present scholars of renown. With manifest joy we
welcome it in our day!!!
Lee Stoneking... _____________
____________________________________ _____________

Ryan Johnson came down
with a virus which settled in the heart and
necessitated a Heart Transplant!
His heart
had enlarged until it was one half the size of a foot ball!
Ryan was admitted to the hospital to wait for a donor
heart. Sometimes it can take years to obtain the donor
heart. It was received in three weeks and the
surgery was scheduled.
The complications surrounding such a surgery are varied and
prognosis can vary considerably. For example; if there is blood
loss to the brain, talking has to be learned all over again -
walking has to be re-learned...
The night before entering the hospital Ryan was taken out to eat
by his Pastor, Art Wilson, as a kind of celebration in case
something unforeseen developed... It was during this
engagement between Pastor Wilson, Ryan and family members
that I felt to phone Brother Wilson. I reached him at the
table dining with Ryan.
Explanation was given me as to their
purpose of dining together.
I then asked to speak with Ryan and the phone was given to
Ryan and we were connected. | 
Pastor Wilson |
I felt to pray for him over the phone and did so. I felt
the Might, the Power of God as I prayed;
I knew in the Spirit Ryan was safe and secure in God!
The surgery began after the three week wait with the arrival
of the donor heart early the next morning and was extensive. |
Recover can take weeks for things to return to normalcy in the
patient's life!
When Ryan came out of the anesthetic, his first words were;
"Call Brother Stoneking and tell him, we made it!" Incredible –
shocking – defiant of all prognosis – and demanding recognition
of God’s Divine Intervention. It was possible as stated above
that he would not speak, but he did immediately! Doctors are
thrilled and excited about Ryan’s recovery story - with new
update details to be added in medical journals!
Ryan was able to go home within nine days after surgery;
ministering as Music Minister in his own church on Sunday.
There was not one instance of any kind of rejection from his
body to the replacement heart. This in itself is a Miracle of
God – it doesn’t happen in medical science. God does indeed hear
our cry on behalf of loved ones and friends!
Oh What A Savior!!! To God Be The Glory!
I just came from Uplift
Conference in Midland,
Michigan with Pastor
Parsons. Ryan and his
lovely wife came a two
and one half hour drive
to be in the services.
They were jubilant with | 
Ryan & I in Midland |
praise and worship! They
everyone! Our
faith was raised to a
marvelous level bringing
healing and deliverance
among us with Powerful
worship lifted unto the
Lord! |
Lee Stoneking _____________
_________________________________________________ |
Miracle of Sight
Dear Brother Stoneking,
This past year in 2004
at Madisonville, KY (August) was my wife's first time being
able to come to the Camp meeting. With great
expectancy we came to Camp meeting this year expecting a
miracle to be performed on her eyes. Last October,
Rosalind had developed an eye condition called multifocal
choroditis, which is simply inflammation in the retina of
the eye resulting in scaring of the retina. Since
October of last year, Rosalind was not able to perform her
job, could not even see our Pastor preaching even while
sitting on the front row, let alone the numbers on the radio
in our car.
We had to
get special equipment for her to complete her course work
for college. The counselors at our local college
advised us that Rosalind might as well practice being blind.
In the meantime we had seen numerous doctors and
specialists, even also visiting the Cleveland Mayo Clinic.
All of them said that there was no cure and nothing that
they could do. One of the optometrists told us as she
was looking into one of her eyes that she did not understand
why |
Rosalind could see so
well out of her right eye because that eye was in the worst
Since Madisonville, (August)) things suddenly
started to become clearer for her. She began to notice
that she was able to not only start seeing numbers on the
car clock, but she even found herself starting to read
magazines and newspapers!
Those large black
spots that were preventing her seeing - she began to
see through them! Jesus was truly performing another
wonderful miracle! |
Within the past two weeks we went to see if
she could get her drivers license, and Brother Stoneking,
she passed BOTH vision tests, and today she passed all the
driving tests awarding her with her driver's license!
There is absolutely nothing like our Jesus! The
impossible realm surely is the area that Jesus loves to work
in! You truly have testified about that!
Our Pastor had us both
get up during a Sunday night service last week and my wife
gave her testimony as well myself. Faith built so high
in the congregation that five people received the Baptism of
the Holy Ghost and one was baptized in the Blessed Name of
Jesus. As Psalm 105:l states, "Oh give thanks unto the
Lord; call upon His name: make known His deed among
the people."
We do appreciate your
ministry and you are always in our prayers.
Brother Eric Tyner
October 26, 2004
One year ago at Singles With A Mission in Pensacola, Florida I was in the isle at the
end of a very powerful altar service in which many were blessed and lifted
to a higher level of deliverance and awareness of God. |
While rejoicing with
several other men, I looked up into the face of this young man standing
watching me. I did something I had never done before. I looked into
his eyes and simply asked, "Can
I help you?"
His reply was an indictment which I
shall ever carry with me in Gospel Work always.
He simply said boldly to me,
"You know you can!"
I reached out and laid my
hands upon him; he fell forward speaking with tongues with much
weeping! It was incredible - powerful - and impacting!
One year later (2004) he is still
helped by the Power of God from my life and ministry. I am of all
people most Blessed and my Thankfulness only intensifies with the passing of
time, an eyewitness to the Power and Majesty of Jesus Christ of Nazareth! |

This photo represents
a most unusual experience for me that I shall never forget. It has profoundly changed my life in dealing with all peoples...AMEN! |
Miracle of Healing!
Kacie Hamm
Kacie Hamm
2 yrs old
I first
met Kacie when she was two years old. She was born
with this facial growth... Her parents brought her to me for
was made and not until this Kentucky Camp Meeting, some four
years later (2003) did I know the results of that prayer... |
Kacie Hamm
1/2 yrs later
"...They shall lay
hands on the sick and they shall recover." Mark
16:18 |
This is the Gospel that Jesus died for and this
is our heritage and this is our message and this is
our day! Let none
deny nor fail to acknowledge it!
Lee Stoneking |
Jerry Dillon
March 16 - 18, 2002

Dillon Family: From L to R: Jason,
Jeffrey, Brother & Sister Dillon
God mightily moved in
Parkway Pentecostal Church over these two days and three
services. Eight received the Holy Ghost and two were
baptized in Jesus' Mighty Saving Name! There were
miracles of healing which are shown below: There was a
tremendous 'faith renewing' for all of us there. The
Dillon family is a simply precious family used wonderfully
by God. In ten years time they began with practically
nothing and now have upwards to 400 in attendance.
Bro Dillon is
absolutely 'alive' with the fervor and burden of the Lord.
And it shows in his congregation. It was my great
pleasure to minister among these precious people and
celebrate the goodness of God in these end times with them.
of Healings:
Sister Henrietta
Hickman was nearly killed when several months ago she was
run over in her car by a school bus in a head on collision.
When the mercy jaws came to rescue her from the wreckage,
her feet and legs were cut off. One leg was only
holding on by just a piece of skin. The doctors
surgically operated and put everything back together.
But they told her she would never walk again.
is just the setting for a miracle. Every miracle
begins with an impossibility:
Sister Henrietta came
to the service Monday night on a walker which she used with
great difficulty. At the end of the preaching, I was
praying fervently on the platform floor and when
finished, I looked up to my left and saw that the people had
helped her to the altar area. I went down to her and
the photos tell the story...

I am
approaching Sister Hickman here... You can feel
her faith reaching... |

walker has just been taken away and I am beginning to
walk her in Jesus' Name! See the faith and
excitement on the faces of the crowd... |

Hickman has been healed and walking. The
excitement can be seen and felt in the faces of the
people. Not only did she walk, she danced before
the Lord with such beautiful humbleness and
thanksgiving! Wonderful to see... To

Hickman is so grateful and people are rejoicing with
her. Some are in awe of the wondrous healing
power of the Lord... It was Wonderful!!! |

is pausing to weep with thanksgiving and emotion...
this is a total miracle against the prognosis and
diagnosis given her. When all else fails, there
is another voice that says: "Try Me" |

empty walker with it's victim "FREE" gives
credence, glory, and testimony to the Healing Power of
Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He is still the same
yesterday, today, and forever!
were so thrilled and Blessed! How can we not
declare with a mighty voice His Wonders Performed...

Beckham came to the meeting with severe arthritis and
much pain. Near the end of the service I noticed
her seated back in the auditorium and felt to pray for
her. Upon reaching her, I took her hand and
began to lift her up and walked with her. She
walked without her walker on my arm. Wonderful! |

can see the great effort she is making to exercise her
faith in Jesus! People were weeping and praying
fervently all around us. There is nothing to
equal the move of God's Spirit upon His Believing
People! |

near the end or our walking and praying, she is
worshipping and praising the Lord with tears of
thanksgiving. Her daughter has sent word that
she is sleeping much better and it is my understanding
without pain. To God Be The Glory!
to worship and praise the Lord for these precious
souls and many others who claimed numerous
healings and deliverances ! TO GOD BE THE GLORY
Lee Stoneking
From The Dead
Chicago Area
- July 2001
and Mrs. William Morris
Working of Miracles as recorded in the Book of Acts and
spoken in 1 Corinthians 12 are still very much a part
of the Church today. “Jesus
Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.”
(Hebrews 13:8)
awoke on Saturday, July 28, 2001, to what seemed to be a
normal day with a very busy schedule.
As Home Missionaries, we were house hunting in order
to relocate in the area of our church, making contacts, etc.
Little did we realize what we would face that day or
what God would do for us.
So many times we pray, “God, You direct our steps
today.” We
were soon to discover that He truly had answered our prayer
that day and guided our steps to be at the right place at
the right time.
Evangelist Lee Stoneking was ministering in a Revival
Crusade at a United Pentecostal Church in the Chicago area.
Although our schedule was heavy, we felt directed to
attend the service that night. The presence of the Lord was
so very real during the service.
It was a time of true worship and praise.
As the preliminaries were drawing to a close, I began
having pain on the right side of my chest and in my back.
The pain continued to worsen.
Stoneking began preaching.
His message was on the Gifts of Faith and Miracles.
We did not know that God was going to give such a
magnificent demonstration of His Word.
As the service continued, I left the sanctuary and
went into the foyer. The
pain then moved over into the center of my chest and was
very severe. After
being in the foyer for sometime, Bro. Morris, came to check
on me. When he
realized the seriousness of the situation, he sent one of
the ushers back into the service to get some of the
ministers to come and pray for me.
the time of prayer, the pain became almost unbearable.
I became very nausea and then slumped over.
They picked me up and laid me on the floor.
Dr. Mi Linn, from the Brookfield Church was in the
congregation and immediately came to me, Bro Stoneking left
ministering and came to pray, and the entire congregation
began praying. There was no sign of circulation --
absolutely no sign of life whatsoever.
For three to five minutes Dr. Mi Linn tried to find a
pulse but none could be found.
laying hands on me and praying in Jesus' Name, God
miraculously brought life back into my body.
As life was coming back, I could hear the people
around me praying but they seemed to be so far away.
At this time my pulse rate was thirty.
As I became stronger, I began to speak in tongues
almost as a whisper and then the more I worshipped the Lord
the stronger I became.
examination by my personal physician, it was found that my
heart had failed due to a kidney problem.
The doctor's aunt had the same identical thing happen
to her the very same night and died.
There was no one there to pray for her in Jesus’
Name. They had her funeral a few days later!
was dead but now I live.
Although this is not the route that I would have
chosen for my life, I praise God for what He has done.
He has proved Himself to me over and over. I treasure the
many times that He has ministered to me and
the many miracles that He has performed during my
convalescing. I
can assuredly say with the Apostle Paul, “And we know that
all things work together for good to them that love God, to
them who are the called according to his purpose.” (Ro. 8:28)
is alive and continues to perform miracles in our day!
He is truly a good God!
Praise God for the power in the Name of Jesus!
To God be the Glory for His unspeakable truths in
these last days!
Sister Morris
just recently saw Brother and Sister Morris (March 28, 2002) and
she is the picture of health. To God Be The Glory and
may Apostolic procedures be restored to the church totally
with a Five Fold Ministry as at the beginning in 33
AD. It is coming into existence
rapidly in these closing hours of time. God give us
His Power to combat the growing forces of evil. There
is no substitute for the demonstration of the Spirit of God
and Power! AMEN!!!
Stoneking - April 2002
As of this date,
October 9, 2002; I just received this glorious report
from the Chicago area, Jeannie King came for healing on
Saturday night from Leukemia during our crusade. We
laid hands on her and prayed...
She was completely
healed and the doctors have given her a report of -
COMPLETELY CLEAN!!! How can anyone deny that
Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever? To
God Be The Glory!!!
God is doing mighty miraculous things through His chosen
vessels in this hour all over the earth. Be it ours
to rejoice and press forward while it is light before the
night cometh when no man can work. May Jesus help us
individually and collectively! In Jesus' Mighty
Name!Lee Stoneking
I am preaching on the street in the Washington
DC area in an outreach effort for Home
Missions. Brother Bill Harden, a long time
friend of many years, is standing in the dark
suit near the building in background. This
photo was taken about the time of the story's
setting below in the early 1970's. |
Recently I was
looking through an old worn out Bible from my
Library when a piece of paper fell out from the back
cover and then I remembered... Remembered
what? A glorious healing from Tuberculosis.
Upon graduating
from Apostolic Bible Institute in 1967, I found my way
to the East Coast and developed a heavy burden for
this particular part of the country. During
those years I began to pastor a small church in
Schenectady, New York. It was my first
pastorate. See photos below:
on left: The church on Webster
Street. Am sorry that the steeple does not
show. Notice the snow patches on the
Photo on
the right: Interior of church. I had
drawn a chalk drawing for a special Christmas
Program. With a black light it glowed in
the dark. It was in this church and in
this area of upstate New York that I dug out my
ministry and connected with what I have hold of
in the Spirit to this very day. |
During those
years the spirit world had not been broken in
this area. With outreach, door to door
canvassing, etc., and all that goes with it in an area
like this, I became exhausted to the point that after
a couple of years, I could barely function
physically. Fasting and long vigils of prayer
had taken its toll. It was during this time I
developed a cough. It became worse and worse
until it reached the point that in the middle of my
preaching I would literally wreck a sermon because of
it. I was distressed.
A trip home to
Iowa to see my parents and a family doctor of many
years to our family, I was examined. His report
was, "Lee, I am sorry, but you have
Tuberculosis." I was stunned. What
does that mean, I asked? His reply was, six
months of total bed rest, and all kinds of medical
terminology which did not mean much to me at that
time. I didn't say anything, but my mind was in a
whirl. How could I tell the church?
I felt I could not leave them. Revival was
breaking out and things were beginning to happen.
Home a few days,
and I knew I had to announce it to the church.
The coughing was only getting worse. On a Sunday
night I did so after hacking a sermon to pieces with
coughing and more coughing. Explaining to them
my situation and that I was not sure what to do or
make of it all, the people (about 80 in number) and
many of them teenagers began to stand and they came to
the front wanting to lay hands on me for prayer and
divine healing.
I remember
sitting down on the altar rail as they gathered round
and began interceding for me. It was
powerful! There were tears and much intense
petitioning of the Lord for me. The children got
down on their little knees and held on to my pant
legs. It went on for some time. It was
After perhaps 20
or 30 minutes, most had begun to feel released from
their burden for me and returned to their seats.
But there was one man who continued to hold on to
me. He would not let go. His name
was Robert Eskedal. He was a Norwegian whom I
had baptized in Jesus' Name. He had
seen mighty
moves of the Spirit in Norway with great
demonstration. He was also gifted in the
Spirit. He continued with such purpose and
intensity that I could not help but take note of it
and remember it still to this day.

and Sister Robert Eskedal |
Finally wiping
tears from his face, he let go of me and mentioned
that he had seen something like two leaves with a
black spot on one of them. He also felt
impressed of the Lord to not let go and continue
praying for me until the spot disappeared. The
unusual thing he told me later, was that while
he was praying, the spot would move to the edge of the
leaf - but not let go. He felt
confident that the spot must totally let go and
totally detach itself from even the edge of the
leaf. In the end of his praying, it did and I
was worshipping with him all the time.
From that
night on I never coughed again. I was totally
miraculously healed. To God Be The Total Glory!
A few days
later, Brother Eskedal came to me with a drawing he
had made and wanted to show it to me. He then
realized that the leaves he was viewing in the vision
was not leaves, but my lungs and the spot was the
infection. He gave me that drawing which I have
kept to this day as a testimony of this miracle, but
had filed it in the Bible I was using at the time of
that particular pastorate. This drawing below is
drawn with pencil on a plain piece of paper which is
now over 31 years old.
. |

by Robert Eskedal
I am ever grateful for what I know
about God and His ways! It has at this point in
my life spilled over into the lives of others who are
running with Revival and the moving of God's
Spirit. I have a marvelous and wonderful life in
Him. Because of what He has done for me, I vowed
long ago that I would shout this from the housetops
and I have done so and will continue to do so.
Retirement is not in my vocabulary...
Again, thanks to one and all who have prayed
and continue to pray for me personally and my
ministry. It is worth more than anything else
known to me! I am eternally grateful! May
you be rewarded by the Great Scorekeeper Himself is my
prayer for you.
Lee Stoneking

The virtue still flows to
one and all who reach for the hem of His garment
after 2000 years!
He is the Same today as
when He walked this earth so long ago!
What A Saviour!!!