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Revival Crusade

Pastor: James McPhaill

Date:  April 15 - 17

Visalia, Callifornia


Miraculous Healing of a sister that had been on oxygen for two years resulting from a lung disease and unable to take a deep breath. 

In the altar service, suddenly she felt healed and pulled out the oxygen tubes and came up to me and told me her story.  I then said, "You need to tell the whole audience this" and I handed her the mike.  She went to the pulpit and simply preached taking deep breathes which she had not been able to do for two years!  It was electrifying and the Power of God flowed over one and all . . . Oh What A Savior is our Jesus!!!

Each service was most memorable!  Brother McPhaill said to me. "Each year I think this cannot get any better, but each year it does!"  I am MOST GRATEFUL!

Lee Stoneking . . .



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