of healings from my former Guest Book
To God Be The
Glory! He deserves it all - AMEN!!!
Name: Sis. Elena Cornett
Date: Saturday, September 09, 2000
Praise the Lord, Jesus has
healed me! I submitted a prayer request for
the prayer warriors to pray that God would heal my body
of several tumors in my side. I
was totally healed within a few short days.
God is so faithful, this
website is a blessing. I believe in the power of prayer
and I will continue to pray for your awesome ministry
Bro. Stoneking.
May God richly bless you in your ministry.
Elena Cornett
Name: Hugh Twyman
Date: Sunday, July 09, 2000
Thank you Bro. Stoneking for an excellent site! You
prayed for me during the final night of Bott 1992 for a
medical problem concerning my jawbone joint.
I could not eat without a constant popping and grinding
pain in the joint, but after you prayed for me that
night God answered and healed me. I had never seen God's
power like I did that night.
Thank you so much for sharing your ministry here and for
all the time and effort you put into this site. Please
encourage others to do as you have, for many of us will
only see or share in ministries like yours by way of the
You will never know just how much we appreciate what you
are doing. May God continue to bless you. You deserve
Hugh Twyman
Name: Nelda Martin
Date: Monday, October 23, 2000
Your web site is very professionally done. It was very
interesting. I have been in many meetings with you. You have blessed
me many times. Thank you for your special prayer for me while you were in
Minden in October, 2000. The Lord has
healed me of cancer and I give Him the Praise.
Name: Russell Jaynes
Date: Friday, May 11, 2001
Bro. Stoneking,
I just had to write and tell you about my grandson. A few
weeks ago, we visited Midland while you were there. You
prayed for my grandson who had epilepsy. He had been on
medication prior to our visit and still had seizures. Since
then, he has not had any seizures. Praise the Lord!
God healed me, also. You prayed for me. I had a heart
attack and stroke last November, and the Lord has healed my
heart and mind! The Lord is wonderful!
Thank you so much for your prayers.
Marshalls in Revival

being baptized by Brother Mark Hattabaugh
This story
was too good to keep to myself and with 'special permission'
from the Marshalls, I am presenting this miraculous
testimony here for your Spiritual edification. Vani
and Marshall are my personal friends. They are a treasure
to my life...
"Greetings in His Name! A brief testimony of what God
is doing in some services here in Florida .We just
finished some services in the district of Florida where a
total of 45 received the Holy Ghost & 30 were baptized
in Jesus Name! JESUS is so good. Glory to HIM
alone! In one of these services we preached on the
New Age coming into the church (particularly body
piercing, body modification which has roots in pagan
worship - hinduism etc...
James, a first time visitor, to this church
had piercing all over his body. He was an
owner/operator of a tattoo/body piercing shop. James
knelt at the altar and removed (one by one) every piercing
on his body - he had piercings on his tongue, belly,
chest, nose, ears etc... As
soon as he had removed the piercings, he
received the baptism of the Holy Ghost weeping
& speaking in tongues, he was baptized in
Jesus' Name that night. A bad
back was instantly healed when
he came out of the water! He went back home &
asked his fiance to come to a service the next
evening. We spoke to her & shared the bible
study with her - she was baptized & received
the HG. She went home and invited her sister to
church the following week, the sister received the Holy
Ghost!!! Our God is AWESOME!
He is able to do all things!
We need you to continue to pray for our ministry.
Thank you again for all your prayers & support!
With love & blessings,
vani & marshall"
Name: Winsome Shay
Date: Friday, May 31, 2002
Praise the Lord. We wrote to the prayer group of
this website. A young man who has been visiting our
assembly had Guellian Barre disease He was in
intensive care, was on the respirator and paralyzed
from neck down. Prayer was made and to God be the
Glory! The Doctors are amazed because he is talking,
moving his limbs and we are expecting a complete
Praise God. Thanks Bro. Stoneking from all of us
in Barbados
Name: Michael Wiley
Date: Friday, November 01, 2002
Bro. Stoneking,
It has been many years now, you were preaching
Louisiana Camp Meeting. I was scheduled for surgery
on my throat for the second time the following
Monday. There were several masses that had to be
removed, one that was very close to my voice
box...it was to be a very delicate surgery.
I sang in the choir at The Pentecostals of
Alexandria, and music was such a big part of my
life. That Friday night many of us went home with
our clothes soaked, there was a supernatural power
that came thru the tabernacle, one I will never
forget. At some point in that service, you came to
me, I was standing near the organ on the platform.
You laid hands on me, and in that awesome service,
it was as if something lifted.
Monday morning, I was taken to surgery, my neck
was cut open and after searching for awhile, nothing
was removed...there was nothing there to remove. I
will forever be thankful and grateful to God for
removing those tumors. Your ministry is so awesome,
you are loved around the globe.
Michael Wiley
Name: J. Michael Wilson
Date: Wednesday, January 08, 2003
Bro. Stoneking,
Just found your site tonight and wanted to say it is great.
In Jackson, TN in 1988 you prayed for our daughter who was not quite a
year old. She was on a continuous feed pump. Not long afterward she was
taken off the pump and she began to grow normally. She is fifteen years
old today and a wonderful asset to the church we pastor in Parsons,
We love you and are believing God for even greater things for your
God bless you,
J. Michael Wilson, Pastor
Iron Hill Pentecostal Church, Parsons, TN
Name: Cindy Harris Jan
Date: Saturday, January 18, 2003
You once laid hands on my daughter when she
was just a baby and so close to dying. She is
fourteen now and very healthy. Thank you for
your faith and ministry.
Name: Karlyn Mandley-Heath
Date: Sunday, March 30, 2003
Bro Stoneking,
I don't know if you remember my father, Keith Mandley, but I saw the
pain and suffering that he went through due to the arthritis that plagued
his body for over ten years. I still cry every time I see him doing
something that a little over a year ago he physically was incapable of
doing. But that wasn't the only thing that happened in my life as a result
of God moving in that revival. I too had been suffering from severe
migraines and back problems caused by a car accident I was involved in in
1999. The same night that my dad was healed I too received a healing. I
have not had another migraine since. This truly was a miracle.
Name: Dorothy Howard
Date: Thursday, April 10, 2003
I am sending in my personal testimony regarding my recent prayer
request. I had asked for prayer for my upcoming surgery for cancer. I had
the surgery and after the results came in the Doctor told me that I would
have to have further surgery in order to make sure that the cancer had not
spread. After the second surgery was completed and the test results came
back I am cancer free.
Praise the Lord and Thank you Jesus for all that You have done for me.
I still have to have some radiation treatment but Praise the Lord that He
healed me. I am giving all the glory to Jesus. I want to thank each and
everyone that prayed for me and for the privilege of having a web site
like this to come to.
Thank you Jesus and GOD BLESS everyone.
Dorothy Howard, PEI Canada
Are Grateful That
God is doing mighty miraculous things through His chosen
vessels in this hour all over the earth. Be it ours
to rejoice and press forward while it is light before the
night cometh when no man can work. May Jesus help us
individually and collectively! In Jesus' Mighty
Lee Stoneking