Lena Schaefer
Tyler, Texas

Here is a wonderful story, worthy of hearing!
She came in
in a wheelchair, heavy dark glasses, and a big dark hat covering her
face. She sat near the front of the church on the isle next to
her mother on the end of the front pew. As she sat there with
her head down, despair emanated from her being.
Annually Brother Poe and myself do a combined
evangelistic crusade effort for Brother Mike Littlefield.
Together, working in the Spirit, a marvelous move of the Spirit was
prevalent in the meeting. We preach alternate nights and
sharing in the ministry as we are led... On Friday night
Lena was in her usual place and we prayed for her, but she did not
leave the wheelchair. Near the end of the service, when all
others were not around her, I went to her and spoke in her ear that
the Lord had spoken to me giving me the answer to her problem.
She was bound with a Spirit of Infirmity. I rebuked and
released her from that Spirit of Infirmity and walked away.
When she got home that night, for the first time, she pulled herself
out of the wheelchair and holding onto things got to her bed by
herself. The next morning, Saturday, her mother phoned the
Littlefields and told them of the happening... we were all
rejoicing and I knew it had begun!!!
On Saturday night, Lena and her mother were back in
the same seating area as before. I again was preaching
and during the preaching, I was citing healings. Turning to Lena I
said, "If God will do it for them, He will do it for you."
I continued and suddenly turning about from the floor area where I
was now preaching, I fastening my eyes upon her and walked to
her. I took her right hand and pulled gently. She
pulled back (that is faith!!!). As I continued to pull gently,
she came out of the wheelchair and began walking with me as I
walked backwards. Brother Poe was behind her instantly
and the procession of the 'Victorious' ignited the audience into a
marvelous realm of faith and victories for many...
Once she was walking, I ministered to others, but
Brother Poe stayed with her and in boldness, took her dark glasses
off and she looked up at the brilliantly shining chandelier.
(Normally she could not stand any light upon her eyes at all.)
In moments, she was speaking in tongues. God marvelously
filled her with the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. The hat was
removed and when her mother saw what was done, she also received the
Holy Ghost!!! It was miraculous!!!
At the end of the worship and exalting of the Lord,
I asked for her to come up to the platform and say something for the
Lord. I could not recognize her! Her countenance was so
totally changed that I had to ask where she was... it was one
of the most marvelous experiences... she came and the people
cheered and worshipped Him for His Greatness!
The above photo shows the end result of that
glorious meeting. She ever so happily pushed her wheelchair
out of the church... Sunday morning she and her mother were
back on the front pew worshipping and praying for others.
To God Be The Glory!!!
Lee Stoneking