This area is an expression of my appreciation and gratefulness
dedicated especially to all of you who Partner In Missions with
me. Your generous and faithful giving makes these reports
possible. May the Blessings of the Lord be ever upon you
and yours I pray!
Lee Stoneking_____________________________________ _____________
year we had a total of 68 foreign guests and Barnabus
Delegates joining us at DCD, coming from India, Myammar,
Pakistan, China, America, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Nepal,
Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand and Australia!
What an
outstanding representation from our fields of labor for the
Lord throughout the United Pentecostal Church International!
God is moving in unprecedented
ways in these closing hours of the Gentile Dispensation!
That we are honored to live and participate in the final
ingathering of souls for His Kingdom means more than words
can say to those of us who love and serve Him in this hour! |
Immediately upon arriving at DCD
in Malaysia, I was given a letter stating with excitement
which leaped off the paper that Pastor Pervaiz's wife whom
we had prayed for last year with cancer and hepatitis C had
been totally healed!!!
To :
The Honorable Brother Lee Stoneking - USA
"We are really thankful for your powerful prayers and
remembering our family."
Pervaiz Phillip
On December 5th prior to
beginning of DCD in Malaysia, 3 were baptized in Jesus'
saving Name and 5 received the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
There was great expectancy from all present for DCD Camp
Meeting and it brought forth great spiritual dividends
during the services in Malaysia.
We were privileged to have both
Brother and Sister Allan and Linden Shalm attending
this landmark event for the Asia and the Pacific rim area.
Scotts were ordained into their powerful ministry in
Pakistan where they are being mightily used by the
Lord to reach the Pakistanis. I am so
impressed with them as Christians and as Laborers in
the Lord's vineyard in this hour!
Steve Willoughby is overlooking the ministry praying
the prayer of commission and blessing upon Brother
and Sister Scott. It was wonderfully
powerfully sanctioned by the Holy Ghost!
Lee Stoneking... |

School of the
in Singapore enrolled 234 students for the intense
study course. The manifestation of the Holy
Ghost during and at end of teaching sessions was
literally transporting our spirits into realms of
the Spirit of God that most had never experienced
before. I cannot remember ever experiencing
such Powerful Reaching of the Holy Ghost
toward us as a people! It was life changing!!!
There were students from Japan, Indonesia, and
Malaysia enrolled in the school - marvelous the
hunger and worship they exhibited!
Brother Willoughby attended every session
and wept with such anointing upon him that
it overflowed to all present!
I marveled
at it a number of times - God is forever new
and demonstrating His love for us!
Willoughby's tumors are shrinking! To God
Be the Glory!
Willoughby's angel was present in the
services. It actually felt like she was
influence is reaching us still...
She being dead yet speaketh!
Great is our God and His Ways upon us! |
_________________________________ |

Come Encounter Jesus
was filled with the Greatness of God and His
People! Mighty was the moving of God's
Spirit - Holy Ghost infillings, baptisms and
then at
2:00 PM - Joy Fellowship, the Filipino
Daughter work, now numbering near 1000
people pastored by Brother & Sister Cargondo
exploded with revival!
I was honored
to preach it once again this year. 52
visitors present - 30 received the Baptism
of the Holy Ghost and 18 were baptized in
Jesus' Saving Name! It was Gloriously
Victorious |

and Nancy Cargondo are a total delight to be
with - ministering - worshipping - and
preaching together. I am Blessed in
His Vineyard laboring together with such
select laborers in this hour before His
Lee Stoneking |
May |
General Conference
Naha Okinawa, Japan
- May 2 - 6

only word applicable to the manifestation of God's Power and
Presence upon the people of Japan in this General
Conference! We were honored to have Regional Director,
Allan Shalm, present during the conference. What an
outstanding example of Christianity he demonstrates among
God opened
the blind eye of a lady visiting the first night - it
electrified the entire meeting. I did not get to
finish the message... God mightily placed His Hand of
approval on His Word. So emotional and inspiring to
feel the anointing as we watched her keep touching her eye,
feel the tissue around the eye and then manifest a
countenance of awe and gratefulness toward Jesus!!
It took three nights to finish the message
on Angels which I felt led of the Lord to preach to the
Japanese people.
The Holy Ghost kept falling upon the
with tremendous
manifestation of His Power and Presence.
The people
responded overwhelmingly toward Him! They were mightily
blessed experiencing deliver-ance and emotional healings on
every hand! |
The second
night was prophetic and the third
night there were prophetic utterances.
God is
among us in this hour is the most
reality one could know! |

and Myself at end of altar service. |
used Brother Stoneking to mightily impact
Japanese with miracles, signs, and wonders.
A Japanese lady's blind eye was opened!
Thanks to Everyone - your prayers and
faithful support is making an impact in
Japan and Asia!" David Doan |
Missionary David K. Doan with
his wonderful wife and family are doing a most
commendable work in Japan. Real revival is
breaking for them as they harvest from the very streets
where people are thronging continuously...
From my vantage point as an Apostolic
Evangelist, I personally feel that the Apostles of old
if resurrected among us, would be comfortable operating
among us in many places where we labor in the harvest
fields at this midnight hour!
Lee Stoneking _____________
_________________________________________________ |
“Dear Brother Stoneking,
One more time, thank you so much for blessing us with your ministry.
We will never be the same here in Norway.
The expectation was high, before Rev Stoneking arrived in Oslo, Norway.
Thousands of invitations had been delivered out, Posters were
hung up, and weeks of fasting and prayers was about to give its
The Christian Norwegian newspaper - Norway today - wrote a whole page
article about Reverend Stoneking’s miracle of being raised from
the dead! We expected a lot of visitors, so we tore down a wall
in our sanctuary to seat an additional 50 people.
The first night, we crammed more than 200 people in our church in Oslo.
It is without question the largest meeting we ever had in our
country. Faith built among the people when Reverend Stoneking
shared his testimony. Two were baptized, and one received the
Holy Ghost, and several testified of God healing them in the
The second night the meeting was in a little town one hour from Oslo,
called Fredrikstad. The church attendance there is around ten
people. This Saturday, there was over 100 people in attendance
with a lot of visitors from the local city. Three more received
the Holy Ghost baptism. People were so excited and thrilled!
Last night, we were back in Oslo. This is where God gave us the real big
break this weekend! Before the meeting started, we baptized one
that had received the Holy Ghost the previous night. Four more
received the Holy Ghost in the service, and three of them were
baptized in Jesus’ Saving Name! AMEN!
In total we had eight receive the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and six
baptized in the Name of Jesus. Only the future will tell the
impact Reverend Stoneking has had on this country. Many
important doors were opened and we look forward to work on and
walk through those opened doors!!!
you, Brother Stoneking for challenging us & encouraging us! We
will forever be changed!”
Pastor Andreassen
About Tom and JiJis ' Baby
which was not supposed to be normal at all because of
birth defects...
The doctors were really pushy about taking out the
feeding tube, because he wouldn't have a life as they
phrased it... But Tom said, how can I allow them to take
the life God has given?
Day before yesterday, they came in with
specialists in reflexes and nervous systems.
They where astonished as they said several
times, "This is amazing. this is not what
the report is saying at all. This is fantastic.
His reflexes are now highly improving."
followed Tom's finger with his eyes. God is working a
Thanks for all the prayers, Bother Stoneking.
We are praying for you and your ministry as
Pastor Andreassen _____________
Deep Calleth Unto Deep
December 7 - 11
Missionaries: Steve & Barb Willoughby |

A Memorial and Salute to a Prophetess of God
Barb Willoughby was known for her acuteness in Spiritual
matters - Wonderfully used by the Lord! Sorely missed
by all who knew her - but her influence is powerful still in
the lives of the countless her life touched...
I will always remember her power and anointing from Heaven's
Throne - her worship - singing and dancing unto the Lord -
She made Jesus real and alive in everyday life here on
planet earth.
Personally, I do not understand why she was taken from us
in an untimely death, but then God did not ask me to
understand, He just asked me to Trust Him and Believe - so I
trust Him and believe... AMEN!
The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away...Blessed Be The
Name Of the Lord!
Some of the last family photos - A treasure for all of
us |
The Whole Family
Barb and Children |
Lee Stoneking
______________________________________ |

It can ever be said Of Barbara Willoughby
She gave her utmost for His Highest! |

Congregation - Sydney,
December 18 - 20
______________________________ |

Pastor Richard
& Claudia Nassif |
People and personal
friends of
many years.
mightily to assist me in
death and resurrection
- I can never
their hospital vigils
and kind
attention to my
November 2003! |
This truly was an Awakening
- a great breaking in the
spirit world manifested itself in the services - there was such
a sweeping of healing and refreshing from God for all
individuals present among the congregation and visitors from
surrounding churches and area. It was a delight to see
everyone again this year!
Brother and Sister Downs,
Superintendent of Australia, graced us once again this
year with their presence and lovely Christianity!
Lee Stoneking
This year
at Awakening Conference I
met this amazing young man, Kofi Boateng, on
fire for the Lord!
After hearing his testimony, I asked him to
write and send it to me. It is as
I had a wonderful time at the Awakening
Conference with Rev Lee Stoneking. It was
like a dream come true to see and meet Rev
Lee Stoneking! I couldn't wait to tell
him how I got saved listening to his
preaching tape.
At the age of 12 one of my cousins invited
me to a UPC service. At that time I didn't
know anything about God. The service was
good and I felt a deep yearning for
God, although I still wasn't sure about the
Oneness Revelation. One day my cousin
invited me to come over to his house so that
we could listen to a preaching tape. I
reluctantly agreed not knowing that would be
the turning point of my life.
During the preaching I could
feel the Holy Ghost Power as Bro
Stoneking spoke; it was something I
had never felt or heard before.
I felt God calling me to totally
surrender my life to him.
After the preaching we started
praying and tears were rolling down
my face... |
repented of my sins and gave my life
to Jesus! It was a
WONDERFUL experience - there
was just a fire burning inside of
The same week I attended a UPC
children's conference and God filled
me with the Baptism of the Holy
Ghost! I am so Happy! |
That was not the end of it. I decided
to take the tape by Rev Lee Stoneking to
boarding school - I wanted to share my
testimony with my Friends. It was
amazing how my Scripture Union Friends were
receptive to the gospel that changed me.
My Friends told me they had never heard
anything like that before. They gave
their lives to Jesus and up to now they are
still living for God.
I thank God for Brother Stoneking's ministry
that has reached my country Zimbabwe. I now
study at a university in Australia. Before
coming here I would make copies of DVDs of
Rev Lee Stoneking's preaching and distribute
them to my Friends. Hundreds have been
Bro Kofi Boateng

______________________________ |
Come Encounter Jesus
This year
was marvelous in the Spirit!
so mightily moved upon us as we
worshipped, and prayed
It was truly
.jpg) |
In the
services between Tabernacle of Joy (Pastor
Timothy Lee - Bishop Willoughby) and Joy
Fellowship (Filipino Daughter work - Pastor
Cargondo) there were 41 receiving the
Baptism of the Holy Ghost and 15 baptized in
Jesus' Mighty Saving Name!
Praise God!
preaching the T J services Sunday morning, I
was asked by Brother Cargondo to preach the
afternoon Filipino Joy Fellowship service.
I was delighted to do so... 37
visitors were in the Filipino service.
35 of them received the Baptism of the Holy
Ghost - all within 30 minutes. The
power of God's Spirit filled the place!!!
Mission Trip to Tuao - Philippines
With God there are no endings, only
endless beginnings
Tabernacle of Joy Church
Tuao - Philippines
- July 16, 2009 1:30 PM
Glorious Occasion!
beautiful church was built by Brother Wong Toon
Jin from Tabernacle of Joy in
Singapore. He is endowed with
the greatest gift of giving and helping
within the Kingdom of God that I personally
have known. Brother Wong had
asked me last year if I would travel to Tuao
and dedicate the facility once it was
finished - I was Honored and blessed to do so!
Filipino young woman, Violy, left her native
village to work in Singapore as a maid.
She was a wonderfully dedicated Apostolic
Christian and was hired by the T J Wong
family. After some 19 years and being
accepted like a daughter into the Wong
family, her hearts desire was that there
would be a church in her village.
Brother Wong fulfilled that dream and made
it reality!
building is simply beautiful and stands
august against the background of beautiful
hills the tallest building in the village
which can been seen from some distance as
you approach the village.
the time that she worked for the Wong
household, Brother Wong came down with liver
cancer and was not expected to live.
She had prayed for the family daily all
those years and was able to testify and
share her Jesus with him and his family in
this hour of need... Bother Wong and
his entire family received the Baptism of
the Holy Ghost and were baptized in Jesus'
Name for the remission of sins. I had
the honor of praying with both of their sons
when they were filled with the Holy Ghost!
It was just marvelous and both were filled
in the same service
just minutes apart!
Wong came down with liver cancer and was not
expected to live. The prognosis was
not good. Brother Willoughby and I
prayed for Brother Wong along with the
church body and he was marvelously and
completely healed! Outstanding
I count
the Wong family dear and personal friends.
Just the loveliest of people!
Ribbon cutting - formal entrance into the
edifice - and then the building was
dedicated with powerful move of the Lord's
Spirit. Brother Wong's brother and
wife, plus another architect which had
worked along with Brother Wong in the
building process came to Tuao for the church
next day was the first evangelistic service
held in the now dedicated church. Many
came - people from village - congressman -
those from afar. The Spirit of
God fell near the end of my preaching and 52
people received the Baptism of the Holy
Ghost. Glorious is the only word that
comes close to the joy and power of God's
Spirit that manifested itself!
those who received the Holy Ghost was
Brother Wong's brother and his fellow
architect! Such rejoicing cannot be
transmitted with words - it however, will
always be indelibly ingrained in my soul!
Brother Wong's brother was baptized in
Jesus' Name immediately after receiving the
Holy Ghost! Joy unspeakable - it was!
Sunday after our departure back to
Singapore, 5 more received the Holy Ghost
and more baptized in Jesus' Name:
Totals: Holy Ghost - 61
Baptized - 25
Lee Stoneking
_____________________________________ _____________

The City
Hall in background typically presents the magnificence of
Vienna. It is without doubt the most beautiful city I have
seen in all of my travels. Every building is a masterpiece
of sculpture, baroque relief, statuary, fountains, flowers... -
it continues from block to block without end...
History comes startlingly alive in
this city... it was my pleasure to eat in one of the most famous
Cafes in Vienna - CAFE CENTRAL. During the dining
experience, I was informed that both Hitler and Stalin had eaten
in this cafe. Lenin had informed and encouraged Stalin to
eat at Cafe Central. That history can speak in such a
setting is a most realistic experience!
Lee Stoneking
______________________________ |
Date: May 1 - 3 - 2009
Missionary: Charles G. Robinette
Nine received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost with power, changing
completely the recipients before our eyes...
In the words of Pastor Robinette, the following excerpts from
his letter to Brothers Rodenbush, Tuttle & German/Austrian
District Pastors allows all readers to flow into the Presence of
the Lord miraculously manifested in the Vienna District
Conference. One becomes an eye witness and participant
through his account expressed in the following letter to me
personally which I share with you here...
Rodenbush, Brother Tuttle & German/Austrian District Pastors,
in Jesus Name!
What an
amazing conference we just experienced!
In the
words of Brother Stoneking, "Never in my life have I witnessed
such a deep, anointed and powerful move of the Spirit of the
Lord anywhere in the world!"
We have
undoubtedly tapped into something chain breaking, prison
opening, and region shaking!
I told
Brother Stoneking on the way to the airport Monday morning "so
far in my life I have witnessed God fill over 200,000 people
with the Holy Ghost with my own eyes; I have seen blinded
eyes opened; even deaf ears unstopped; watched as God caused the
lame to walk; demons cast out through the Name of Jesus; weather
change immediately through prayer to facilitate revival; I have
been greatly blessed to see God keep almost every promise in His
Word; but for the first time in my life I feel like we are in
unchartered waters."
weekend has done something unexplainable in the spirit realm!
My faith is higher than it has ever been but I truly believe
anything that I would expect from this weekend would be well
below what God is going to do.
No doubt,
multitudes will receive the holy Ghost, masses will be baptized
in Jesus' Name, whole churches will be converted and Jesus will
be glorified through it all.
something tells me that it is going to be much better than
Rev. Charles G.
Robinette - Missionary to Austria
Dear Brother Stoneking,
We want to tell you again how amazing it was
to have you in Austria! Pastors continue to email and
telephone me about the life changing impact these services
made not only on them but on the countries they work in. One
pastor told me yesterday that the glory of the Lord came
back to Germany with them and they could only lay on the
floor and travail the whole service.
Our service in Vienna was just a continuation
of the weekend. It began with such explosive worship and
bled into intense intersession and the gift of faith just
flowed through the whole service. I preached “I refuse to be
satisfied” and the church just exploded with hunger to go
even deeper than the Lord used you to take us to last
Something amazing is happening in Europe and
we all thank the Lord for your willingness to come to Europe
for such a time as this.
Charles Robinette
_____________________________________ _____________
November 2008
All Are Most
Welcome to
Attend and
from the
Lord among us!
Richard Nassif
In these
closing hours
of the Dispensation
of Grace, the
Lord is with
great persuasion courting us in the
ministry and the
laity to engage
in Apostolic Power. We
with hunger do volunteer into His Might and Leading
to reach this present world. Jesus grant it
I pray and
GLORY for its effect on mankind!
Lee Stoneking |
Here is what the Lord Manifested
"The ministry of Bro Stoneking was
simply outstanding. and we had some
incredible moves of the Spirit of God
during the course of the conference.
The attendance to AWAKENING kept
increasing as the days went on. It
didn't seem to matter that the
conference was held on week nights, as
the hungry hearts came from near and far
to be a part of what the Lord was doing
in the Sutherland Shire.
Many incredible things happened during
these 3 days. People received healings,
deliverance and victory over things that
held them back, with one person
proclaiming.. "I got to see first hand
how God can really heal right before my
eyes, literally!!!"
At least 4 received the Holy Spirit and
some were Baptized.
Great Unity and love swept amongst the
individuals, Leaders and Pastors.
On the Tuesday evening, an
intimate dinner with Rev Lee Stoneking
was held for all the Leaders and
Pastors. This proved to be a special
time for all of the Leadership that were
able to be a part.
teaching seminar was enlightening,
teaching on Insights to the
Supernatural, Spiritual Gifts
and Five-fold ministry. The impartation
and revelation was invaluable to
everyone who was there.
would like to thank Bro Stoneking for
his wonderful ministry. His sacrifice
and commitment to be with us at HopeLive
for AWAKENING is greatly appreciated.
I would like to thank our
General Superintendent and his wife, Bro and Sis
for being present at this event. Also
our Presbyter, Bro Celovski, and all the
ministers and Pastors from many
different Churches among whom were:
Bro and Sis Morris, Bro and Sis
Vulvosa, Bro and Sis Terry, Bro and Sis
Turkington, Sis Ludy, Bro and Sis Pange"
Pastor Richard Nassif
Messages from some
of the ministry
would like to let you know how much I
enjoyed being with you and with all the
people for the couple of days. What a
great fellowship! I've been blessed and
encouraged through Brother Stoneking's
so much for all the hard work you put in
to have Bro Stoneking minister. It was
so awesome!
had a wonderful time
in both teaching and
fellowship. It was great
to catch up with
Brother Stoneking. |
on the
& Sister Downs
General Superintendent
of Australia
Fi nally I
would like to Thank all of the team from HopeLive for all their time, sacrifice
and hard-work that made this conference
a wonderful success!
We are
excited about AWAKENING 2009 with Rev
Lee Stoneking. Expecting bigger and
better things as we are planning to host
AWAKENING over a weekend. Dates to
be confirmed soon!
Pastor Richard

The music
was wonderful - just some of the very best!
The fellowship and togetherness in God was
totally strengthening leaving one refreshed
in soul. Jesus is like that -
Approaching Him with less than enough - we
leave with more than enough!
Stoneking |
_____________________________________ _____________

CEJ 2008 was an
experience to ever be remembered. Jesus
permeated each service with His Reaching for us!!!
We normally expect to reach for Him in worship,
prayer, supplications, and voices lifted in
exaltation - we have gathered to do so...
But that Jesus
reached for us filled the very atmosphere of the
services with awe, wonder, and a fresh melody of
love for God became played out of our inner most
beings into the very air around and above us!
I stand amazed
in reflection upon the graciousness of God. His
compassion for us, the work of His Creation Hands.
four services, 105 received the Baptism of
the Holy Ghost - 31 were baptized in the
Wonderful Name of Jesus for the remission of
their sins - 41 UTB (Unlock the Bible)
Bible studies were secured from among the
visitors and new born again believers.
It was difficult to
contain the excitement with such waves of
His Spirit
and revelations falling like rain
upon those in attendance...
Powerfully Wonderful for the recipient and
the observer |
Healings and deliverances were numerous - the Gift
of Faith operated freely
and with might in every
service. To God Be The Glory!!!
_____________________________________ _____________

over ... and help us"
Acts 16:9 |
Eighth Turning Point Conference
Host Missionary: Tom Bracken,
National Superintendent
Conference Speakers -
Lee Stoneking - Evening &
Israel Kang - Day

Asian Masses
Are Reaching Worldwide
Marvelous To
Highlights of Turning Point Conference
A total of
approximately 600 attended throughout the five
participated in our Saturday Spiritual leadership
Seminar. This number included four guests -
two couples which Brother Israel Kang had met and
invited. Three of them received the Holy Ghost
and three of them were baptized during the seminar!
Over 30 were filled with the Baptism of
the Holy Ghost and 13 were baptized in Jesus'
Mighty Saving Name as begun nearly 2000 years ago by
the Apostles of the Lord in Acts 2:38 and beyond
until this day! He left now Himself without a
Witness and that Witness is filling the world in
this eleventh hour of
man's destiny!!!

Over 30 hands
were raised on the last night when I asked who had
received a definite, miraculous healing. One
lady, who had found it necessary to use a walker,
began to walk fine without it. A relative
carried it home that night because she no longer
needed to use it. Another man who due to a a
broken back was confined to a wheelchair, stood and
walked back and forth the length of the altar.
Later he was baptized in Jesus' Wonderful Name. Another
exciting development was that there were right at 80
first time visitors to this conference! We are
now in the process of following up on those who
filled out a visitor's card. Tom Bracken, National

Brother Wang powerfully
witnessed to two couples at the airport and in public - he
invited them to Turning Point conference - they came! Both
couples were baptized in the Saving Name of Jesus Christ for the
remission of their sins. Such joy was contagious and the
Holy Ghost was powerfully evidenced as they spoke with tongues
and magnified the Lord of Glory!
Lee Stoneking
My personal thanks to Tony
McCall for the kind sharing
of his photos from Turning
Point conference for this
web display of God's
Presence and Glory among
the people! |

Tony McCall
Brother McCall
and family are
dear and precious
friends of
the work in
Taiwan. Their
contribution of
faith and
ministry during
the services is
of powerful
support both for
myself and the
Brackens! |
_____________________________________ _____________
December 2007
twenty day tour of duty took me to
Singapore, Pakistan,
Singapore, into Malaysia, back to
Singapore for Sunday service, and back to
the USA. I
must not be the same.
all my travels to date,
I have
never so realistically connected with
a Book of Acts Apostolic power in ministry
and demonstration. My prayer is that I
will never disconnect from what was mine in
authority and ministry while among these
precious men and saints of God
on this tour of duty for the Lord's Kingdom!
Jesus grant it - AMEN!
Pakistan Imparting
-Transmitting Crusade
Missionary: Allan Shalm
Date: December 3-7, 2007 |
years ago
the Shalm's
first crusade
in Pakistan which was the
begining of the great revival
now in progress.
increased |
8,900constituents among
at that time until now at the
end of 2007, there are 125,000
constituents within our ranks. |
Every man of God
preaches the Gospel should make and spend
one trip into these foreign fields. It
would change his connection with God, his
insight into the Gospel's power and worth,
but most importantly it would re-define his
goals and values in this short pilgrimage
through life on planet earth as mankind in
general knows it;
For: When the day is done and we are asked to
give account for our labor in His Vineyard, cursed be
the man who comes dripping wet out of the sea of life
'empty handed' to look into the face of the Savior and
hear from His lips, "Lovest thou me more than these?"
Please, Jesus, come near to us and let all who labor for
and profess to love you in these closing hours of time
hear your voice personally and know your burden for lost
humanity. In Jesus' Name I pray for all who read
from this page...
Lee Stoneking
Brother Shalm is a true
of the Lord.
authority and anointing in
the Holy
Ghost convey this aura of the prophetic office of
God's power
Presence as in
the Book of Acts.
How marvelous to
be an eye witness to
this in these hours of
Coming of the
I am privileged to know
Brother Shalm personally -
to call him - 'Friend.'
Thank you, Brother Shalm for
the honor!
He Was in Powerful
Intercession throughout the
Crusade as seen
in the photo
above right
Lee Stoneking |
received from Missionary Allan Shalm
Brother Stoneking,
We are now
back in Pakistan, and are still feeling the
afterglow of the meetings with you here and in
Singapore. I don't think Asia will ever be the
same again. Thank you so much for coming and
impacting this part of the world.
I was at
Brother Khalid's the other day, and he updated
me on the situation about the television
reporter from Japan. The day after you left he
came to visit Brother Khalid because he wanted
to interview you. Brother Khalid said you had
gone, but showed him a video of you giving your
testimony at Because of the Times. Brother
Khalid had to leave the room for a few minutes,
and when he came back, tears were rolling down
the man's cheeks. He told Brother Khalid that he
had come to our meeting with the pastor of the
church we were renting from, and had only been
intending to stay for about ten minutes. He said
he could feel a powerful presence in the place,
and when the pastor left after his comments to
the crowd, the reporter said he was going to
stay. He remained for the entire meeting and
videoed your message. He evidently sent it to
Japan where it was broadcast. He mentioned in
the broadcast that Pakistan was known for
terrorism, but that meetings like ours were also
going on that were very powerful in the Spirit.
He said he felt you were like an apostle and
spoke with such authority.
The man gave Brother Khalid a copy of a book
that he had written and presented to President
Musharraf. Evidently it had been talked
about quite a bit on television here. He is
working for
Muslim/Christian unity and had visited a number
of Christian churches in Pakistan.
He said he had not felt in those churches
what he felt
in our meeting. |

Brother Khalid |
He is very
interested to meet you again and in fact is
presently in New York... I did think how amazing
it was that the Lord has already begun to use
that meeting across Asia. Pakistan is on the
extreme west and Japan is on the extreme eastern
part of the continent. To me it is a sign that
the move of the Spirit will be continent-wide. |
Wonderful Man of God
with a Great Church |
The man
gave Brother Khalid a copy of a book that he had
written and presented to President Musharraf.
Evidently it had been talked about quite a
bit on television here. He is working for
Muslim/Christian unity and had visited a number
of Christian churches in Pakistan. He said he
had not felt in those churches what he felt in
our meeting. He is very interested to meet you
again and in fact is presently in New York...
I did think how amazing it was that the Lord has
already begun to use that meeting across Asia.
Pakistan is on the extreme west and Japan is on
the extreme eastern part of the continent. To me
it is a sign that the move of the Spirit will be
Everyone I
have spoken to that attended the meeting has
said they have never been in such a powerful
meeting like that before in their lives. I feel
we have only begun to see the impact of it upon
this part of the world.
Thank you
again for coming. I can't begin to tell you how
much we appreciate it. We are looking forward to
your return next year.
Please have a
Blessed Christmas and Wonderful New Year!
December 22, 2007
Allan Shalm
February, 2008 - Additional information:
from The Pakistan Challenge news
letter, Winter 2008, written and
reported by Brother Shalm: "To this
meeting one third of the 600 seats of
our rented church auditorium were filled
with secular and religious leaders in
the denominational Christian community
that had been personally invited so that
they could see apostolic ministry in
former federal cabinet minister, several
doctors, educators and Para church
leaders were joined by some of our
pastors and local church leaders from
across Pakistan. THIS WAS ONE OF THE
Allan Shalm

On the
second night of conference, Brother
Willoughby preached a definitive message
on worship - he demonstratively
worshipped before all dancing around the
entire auditorium - INCREDIBLE IS THE
WORD! - the whole place was powerfully
involved - miraculous things happened in
the Spirit for the entire conference!
Thank You Brother Willoughby!
Jan 8, 2008 -
I just
received an email from Missionary Allen
Shalm stating reports have come in from
pastors that 1 75
people received the Baptism of the Holy
Ghost in the two nights of seminar which
Brother Willoughby and I
To God Be the Glory!
Lee Stoneking