Surely the presence of the Lord was in this
This is our third consecutive year to have
the wonderfully anointed ministry of Bro. Lee Stoneking.
Every year we think that it can't get better but it does!!
The "Apostolic Pentecostal's of Singapore" kicked
off the meeting on Sunday, December 5 at the grand ballroom
of the Oriental Hotel. (This is in a Muslim
By the time Bro. Stoneking boarded the plane a few days
later, forty four (44) names had been recorded as receiving
the Holy Ghost and sixteen (16) were water baptized in Jesus
The entire meeting had a special anointing that we feel is
attributed to the fact that all of our congregations came
together in total unity as "The Apostolic Pentecostal's
of Singapore." It is our intention to fill this city
with the apostles doctrine.
Merlion of Singapore Harbor, Singapore is known by
this symbol |
Out of dozens of wondrous testimonies, let
me share one. Three siblings from one family have been in
church for a couple of years. The mother was converted but
the father a staunch Buddhist was seldom seen. About three
weeks ago during a medical crisis it came to light that the
father had been an opium addict for more than thirty five
years. Everyday of these now grown children's life, their
father had been a drug addict. They had kept this dark
secret from everyone in the church. They reasoned that the
problem was so chronic and hopeless why lose face about a
situation of which nothing could be done.
But once brought in the open the saints rallied in prayer
and seeking God for this father. Shortly after being
released from the hospital the father came to church and
repented. He went to the camp and on the second night of the
camp received the Holy Ghost. This sixty year old plus
ex-addict danced, shouted, clapped, sang with the energy of
a youth.
At his baptism the next day, his son stood and told the
church, "I was wrong to hide my father's sin. I hid his
sin because I thought he was an impossible case. Now I know
truly that with God nothing is impossible." The ropes
and knots that it took the devil thirty-five years to tie,
Jesus undid in a moments time.
Steve & Barbara Willoughby