School of the
Don and Melody Shepherd
April 20 - 25 |
Loyal friends for many
years having been to Israel with me several times,
graduated from my SOTS in Canada in years gone by - now
Pastor in Eastlake San Diego, California area.
Revival is in their midst!
Both Don and Melody were raised Jewish and have a
burden for Israel and the Jewish People.

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I am excited to conduct this School of the
for them, their people, and area student participants!
Excitement and expectancy is in the air...
SOTS is a project I developed to allow people to get
a basic Bible School Education without having to
rearrange their lives so drastically by enrolling in
school for three or more years.
Having graduated from Apostolic Bible College in 1967 as
Honor Student of the Year, I simply skimmed the cream
off the top of my Bible School Education and condensed
it into five major lessons.
Everything is either directly or indirectly connected to
one of these lessons. When the course is finished,
the student has exactly the same basic Bible education
that I received from ABI.
SOTS has been conducted in Canada, Singapore,
Hawaii, and places within the US. The results and
response has been most rewarding... Hundreds of
students have completed the SOTS course. I Thank
God for it!
Brother Stoneking
School of The Scriptures
is a must to attend!

It was truly life changing!
was an awesome move of God every evening
through the anointed and enriched teaching
of Reverend Lee Stoneking. Great
deliverance and healing occurred throughout
the congregation. Wisdom, Knowledge,
Understanding, and Revelation came running
into the Hearts and Minds of all... |
Every night as the teaching was coming to a
close, no music was ever needed to help draw
anyone to the alter; the pure presence of
God drew everyone and the alter became
filled with deep prayer and worship. Many
Backsliders returned and committed their
lives to Jesus once again! |
Truly - the impact of this School will have
an effect on our lives forever! Thank you,
Brother Stoneking, for Your Ministry and
Burden! You have imparted this into our
Lives, and we will Never Be The Same
Rev Don & Melody
____ ______________________
One visiting
student received the revelation of the Holy
Ghost Baptism necessity and received it
so easily
right during the class. It was
The SOTS was held in Pastor Ghiloni's church
facilities. At the close of the SOTS,
Brother Ghiloni told me, "Brother Stoneking,
'This is the greatest move of God I have
seen in the history of this church!"
May God Be Praised
for the Power of His Word!
Shawn, guest visitor to the services and
military returnee from Iraq while watching a
baptism service, asked the young woman
beside him, "Who is that third person
dressed in white standing in the baptismal
tank?" She replied, "There are only
two people in the tank." Shawn said,
"No, there is another man in the tank and he
just keeps looking at me. Is he going to get
baptized too?"
It was an angel...
Several months later beyond the SOTS
meeting, Shawn became very ill and was
hospitalized. I was phoned and I then
phoned the hospital and prayed for Shawn
over the phone. In my asking the Lord
for Shawn's healing, I simply said, "Jesus
please send the angel he saw in the tank to
minister healing to him." I felt
the power of God so strongly - Shawn was
touch mightily and released from the
hospital. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!
Lee Stoneking |