is no doubt in my mind but that Douglas G. Hanscomb has come
to the Kingdom of God for such a time as this to set the
captive free... It has already begun - TO GOD BE THE
Above all
else purchase From Rome to Jerusalem - YOU WILL NEVER BE
THE SAME! I promise as a man of God! AMEN!
We are custodians of an
endangered species, therefore we must earnestly defend the
truth that was once delivered to the saints! God help
us to do so I pray... |
From Rome to Jerusalem
should be in the
hands of every Apostolic Believer. This book
is one of the most concise, insightful,
historically accurate and informative books on
the false church developed by man that I have ever
held in my hands!!! |
As you read this book, you will love
Apostolic Christianity as set forth by the Apostles of
Christ in 33 A.D. with a fervor to convert the world from
darkness into the Light of Freedom from sin which Jesus died
Truth makes one free whether you want
it or not - this book will make you free placing your feet
on a path of understanding heretofore unknown to you.
This author has presented pure Apostolic Truth and pure
Apostolic heritage which must never be lost in these closing
hours of time!
My highest respect and regard for the
author whom I have come to know personally!
The annals of history have been cracked
open as we look into the face of the end of mortal time...
This book is a Masterpiece of scholarship, study, and
experience from one who has been there... you will
blink back tears as you walk through his painful, yet
thrilling steps into Light from darkness. Oh what a
Savior we serve - Jesus forever and always rescues those who
hunger and thirst for His Righteousness! AMEN |