Six thousand people
attended this last night of Landmark Convention and it
was mightily charged with the eternal presence of God!
It was my distinct honor
and delight to be present to hear the message of the hour
preached by Brother Kenneth Haney, General
Superintendent of the United Pentecostal Church
He revealed to us again
and anew that the Church is not a club, an entertainment
center, a social gathering, or just a meeting place.
It has a distinct and unique function and service to
The Church is a place of
refuge, salvation, a hiding place from the world,
baptism in Jesus' Name, infilling of the baptism of
the Holy Ghost, healing, deliverance, miracles, signs, wonders, and raising the dead!
There was such
demonstration of response from the audience that it
was joyful and enthusiastically uplifting to be a
partaker of the revelation and anointing.
At the end of Brother
Haney's message, he walked from the platform and took
me by the arm and introduced me to the audience as a
miracle of resurrection from the dead in this present
hour. The Presence of the Lord swept through the
crowd with people on their feet worshipping, weeping,
and yielding to the will and power of the Holy Ghost.
Brother Haney turned the
service over to me and in just a few words I related
my miracle of being raised from the dead after thirty
minutes of no breath nor heartbeat on the floor of the
Sydney Australia airport! Healing swept into the
auditorium and many were healed of various infirmities
including heart disease! The reports are still
coming in and it is glorious to hear!
Lee Stoneking