AD 150
AD 284 - 305
AD 318
Early Church Fathers |
Emperor Diocletian |
Emperor Constantine |
AD 150 Early Church Fathers Church Fathers AD 150 - AD 400
The Early Church
Fathers were:
1. Justin Martyr AD 100 - 165) 2. Irenaeus (AD 130 - 202) 3. Clement of Alexandria (AD 150 - 215) 4. Tertullian (AD 160-220) 5. Origen (AD 185 - 284) |
This group became
known as "Apologists" -- they wrote against
false accusations, tried to explain and lost the simplicity of the
Gospel preached by the Apostles in AD 33.
Out of this period came three historical important results: 1. Apostles' Creed, 2. Canonization of Scripture, and 3. Church Organization |
By AD 150 there were two main heresies in the church: |
1. Montanism
+ enemies wrote about it (only) + possibly last vestiges of Apostolic Truth |
2. Gnosticism
+ very much like modern Christian Science teachings
AD 284 -
305 Emperor Diocletian
Church Severely Persecuted |
The Jews in the
Temple at Jerusalem were the first persecutors of the Church; but in
approximately AD 60, Nero began his persecution of the Christians
throughout the empire. He was the first to do so...
The last
persecution of Christians by Rome was the most severe. Under
Diocletian, so many Christian bodies (mostly scraps of human flesh)
were left from the martyrdoms that it was chopped up and sold like
hamburger to the Romans to feed their household pets. Human
flesh was sold in the shops...
With the advent of the Pentecostal experience breaking forth upon the world in the early 1900's, they no longer believe the early Christians were singing Quo Vadis as they breathed their last breaths, but rather they were: SPEAKING IN TONGUES... Acts 2:4, Acts 2:38
Diocletian divided
his empire into four parts. Among his successors were:
CONSTANTIUS CHORUS -- father of Constantine GALERIUS -- responsible for the "Edict of Galerius" = 1. this edict allowed Christians to worship freely 2. Christianity was recognized as a 'lawful religion' 3. this decree was also called the EDICT OF TOLERATION
AD 313 Emperor Constantine Persecution Stopped!!!
At the Battle of
Milvan Bridge, Constantine supposedly saw the sign of a cross in the
sky and heard the words: "By
This Sign Conquer!"
As a result, he issued a decree THE EDICT OF MILAN |
That resulted in: 1. Christianity being made the official religion of the state 2. All persecution of Christians ceased immediately 3. The title "Christian" became a passport to political gain in the Roman Empire 4. Thousands of pagans joined the Christian Church -- without experiencing conversion! |
Thousands of pagans
'joining' the church politically because of their Emperor embracing
Christianity, making it desirable could only result in one
thing. They were not spiritually converted to the God of the
Old Testament, nor the visible manifestation of that God in the
flesh of Jesus Christ in the New Testament. The promise of the
Comforter by Jesus and the receiving of same in Acts 2:4 and
throughout the book of Acts WAS NOT EXPERIENCED!
RESULT: Thousands of pagan practices were woven into the fabric of Christianity, adulterating it to an unrecognizable status of that which the Apostles knew. The church began very quickly evolving into a 'Developed Christianity' not known by the early Christians nor the Apostles. Unfortunately it remains to this very day! Influence of the Church Fathers was felt heavily from AD 150 - AD 400 __________________________